Huntingdon College’s Office of Communications produces several publications that connect the College community and keep members current with the latest Huntingdon happenings.
HC News
HC News is an e-newsletter emailed weekly to students, faculty, staff, trustees, and alumni board members, and to others who request to be on the mailing list, including parents, neighbors, alumni, and friends of the College. To be added to the newsletter distribution list, send an email request to Be sure to specify your relationship to the College so that we can put your address with the appropriate group. An archive of previously sent releases can be found on the College’s Communications page.
Huntingdon College Magazine is produced annually and mailed in December to alumni who have active addresses on file, current students, and friends of the College.
When pertinent, news releases are distributed by e-mail to members of key interest groups who have requested inclusion on the mailing list. If you wish to receive news pertinent to alumni, academics, cultural events, or Cloverdale neighbors, send your request by email to Be sure to specify the type of news you would like to receive. News releases are archived on the College Web site. Likewise, the Department of Athletics emails news releases to those interested in receiving athletic news. To request inclusion on the Athletics news list, send your request to the sports information director at
- Huntingdon College Catalog, produced annually by the Office of the Registrar and the Office of Academic Affairs
- The Prelude (literary magazine)